Journaling is great. I don't make it a routine; it has been far more helpful to me as timestamps in my life. Whenever I'm reflecting on my thoughts, have some realization, or just have a question, I document it.
Lemme take u back to my freshman year of high school (COVID year), and I found myself struggling with self-image. I had this epiphany and went on this extremely introspective journey about who I am. “if everyone in the world loved themselves the way I do, humanity could reach world peace” - Zain circa 2021ish. Fire right? My biggest regret in life is that I was never able to document the conversations I would have with myself (in the least schizophrenic way possible..?). I'm at a point in life where I feel complete internal balance, and I see this as an opportunity to document a similar phase in my life.
None of my experiences are unique. In the scope of eternity, there was, is, or will be another person who will struggle with an overly critical inner voice or a distorted self-perception, so this is for you and I to look back on times of self-reflection. I am not better than anyone else. My existence is representative of a singular flicker of a lightbulb relative to the universe. So, for my brief time here, I want to consider this a contribution to my flicker of light.
I'm also a junkie for art in all forms and believe that creators of art are the coolest people to ever exist. so this is me trying to be half as cool as them.
And it's fun.
- Z.Y.